Axiodemia" project is a social and philosophical system carrying out a systematic search for answers to challenges the humankind is facing in the twenty-first century. Our concept is not a political ideology or a manifesto. We invite various experts to discuss global problems of world civilization. website was started online on March 1, 2015.
Alexander Anatolievich Sotnichenko
Orientalist, political scientist, Associate professor of the Department of Theory and History of the School of International Relations of St. Petersburg State University.

Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology, St. Petersburg State Technological Institute, Professor, Doctor of Engineering.

Alexander Subetto
Russian philosopher, founder of the concept of system-genetic philosophical science and technics. Candidate of technical sciences, Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Philosophy.

The chairman of St.-Petersburg Department of the Association of employees in the sphere of the youth, a senior lecturer of St.-Petersburg State Institute of psychology and social work.

Alexey Shustov
PhD in Phychology, Head of the Laboratory of social and political technologies "AMP SPb", lecturer of St.-Petersburg State University and St.-Petersburg National Research University "Higher School of Economics".

Alexey Vorontsov
Doctor of Philosophy, professor, honorary worker of the Higher school of the Russian Federation
Honorary professor of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I.Herzen.

Andrey Klychkov
Lawyer, expert in international relations. Deputy, Head of the fraction of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in Moscow City Council.

Andrey Pimenov (Kivinov)
Police lieutenant colonel, famous writer, scriptwriter, playwright. The total number of copies of books by Andrey Kivinov is more than 20 million. Founder of the most long-playing Russian TV serial"Streets of broken lanterns".Scriptwriter of "Destructive power" TV serial.

Araik Stepanyan
Member of the Presidium of the Academy of geopolitical problems, executive secretary (Moscow), Doctor of philosophical sciences, political analyst, expert on the Middle East.

Baburin Sergey Nikolayevich
Russian political, public and scientific figure. Doctor of Law. Deputy of the State Duma I, II and IV convocations; Deputy Chairman of the State Duma II and IV convocations. Rector of the International Slavonic Academy (ISA) since 2015.

Danilkina Margarita Yurievna
Associate Professor, Department of Correctional Education and correctional psychology Pushkin Leningrad State University. Scientific advisor of the Center of zootherapy and animal psychology, St. Petersburg.

Dmitry Kalyuzhny
Writer, journalist (Moscow), member of the Union of journalists of Russia, member of the International community of literary unions.

Dmitry Rushchin
PhD in History, an associate professor, a member of the Union of Journalists of St.-Petersburg and the Leningrad Region.

Ekaterina Filonova
Head of the bureau of political technologies and coaching of the Russian Agency of development of information society (Moscow).

Frolov Kirill Alexandrovich
Orthodox futurist, publicist (Moscow), the founder and head of the "Association of Orthodox experts".